Friday, October 31, 2014

Extra Blog: October

Well this month went by pretty fast, but I did get some important things done and started. I finally got a book for research and it's pretty good. The book is called Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity by David Allen, the book is full of different strategies to help you manage a business better. Besides that I did the second interview and learned a little more about my mentor and I enrolled in an online Intro to Business class for my independent component, which is good considering my mentor didn't have any formal business classes.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog 8- Research and Working EQ

1. My working EQ is "What is the best thing a manager can do to help their business?"
2. What is the best thing a manager can do to help their business?

  • Managers should help bring out the best in their employees.
3. The most important or useful source I've found is the article "What Great Managers Do" from Harvard Business Review( I got the answer for my working EQ from this article. This article talks about how great managers are able to find what their employees are good at and helps them build on that. This will overall help the business greatly and is why I used it as my answer.
4. I'm doing my mentorship at my dad's factory. While there I can shadow him and learn more about what a manager does. From the first hand experience I can learn a lot about what a manager does to help their business.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1. For the individual component I'm planning on just doing more hours with my mentor. For the most part I'll probably help by doing some office work and I'll shadow my mentor as he does his work. If my mentor offers to let me do any other work I'll probably do it.
2. As evidence that I am actually doing the 30 hours I'll take pictures and videos of some of the work I have to do.
3. By working with my mentor I'll be able to observe how a manager deals with employees and possibly clients firsthand. I'll also see what kind of work they do in the office and I'll get to help with it.
4. Check Link